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Executes the specified delegate on its own thread asyncronously.


public static Thread createThread( Delegate callback )

public static Thread createThread( Delegate callback, int priority )



A delegate that is called as the entry point to the thread.


The priority level of the thread.

Return Value

Returns a Thread object representing the new thread.


Calling the createThread method makes it unnecessary to design a class that implements java.lang.Runnable or extends java.lang.Thread. The second version of this method allows you to define a thread priority level for the new thread. You can pass any delegate to the createThread method or use the MethodInvoker class to call a method that contains no parameters.

The following example illustrates how to use the createThread method to start a new thread within an application.

public class MyForm extends Form
	public MyForm()
		//Start the thread that counts to 2000
		Application.createThread(new MethodInvoker (MyThread), Thread.NORM_PRIORITY);
	/**This thread runs concurrently with form loading and counts to 2000*/
	private void MyThread{
		for (int i = 0; i <= 2000; i++){
			System.out.println("The value is currently equal to " + i);
	//More Form Code Here