RegistryKey Methods

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RegistryKey Methods

Methods Description
close Closes the current key and optionally flushes the registry key back to the registry if the contents have been modified.

createSubKey Creates a new subkey.

deleteSubKey Deletes the specified subkey.

deleteSubKeyTree Recursively deletes a subkey and any child subkeys.

deleteValue Deletes a value from a subkey.

finalize Releases all resources associated with this object.

getBaseKey Retrieves a new RegistryKey object that represents the requested key.

getSubKey Retrieves the specified subkey.

getSubKeyCount Retrieves the number of subkeys for a specified key.

getSubKeyNames Retrieves an array of strings containing all the subkey names for the current key.

getValue Retrieves the specified value from the registry.

getValueCount Retrieves the number of values defined in the current key.

getValueNames Retrieves an array of strings containing all the value names defined for the current key.

setValue Sets the specified value in the registry.

toString Retrieves a string representation of this key.