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Window Class

Provides a low-level encapsulation of a window handle and a window procedure.



public class Window
extends Callback


The Window class supports the creation, subclassing, and superclassing of windows. It automatically manages Window class creation and registration. Following the creation of a Window object, a window handle can be created using the createHandle method. Alternatively, the assignHandle method can be used to subclass an existing window handle. The window handle can be destroyed by using the destroyHandle method. Alternatively, the releaseHandle method can be used to un-subclass the handle. The Window class automatically calls the releaseHandle method if it receives a WM_NCDESTROY window message, indicating that Windows has destroyed the handle.

Note   A Window object is not eligible for garbage collection when it is associated with a window handle. To ensure proper garbage collection, window handles must be destroyed manually by calling either the destroyHandle method or the DestroyWindow Windows API function. It can be released using the releaseHandle method. Once a Window object is no longer associated with a Win32 window handle, the Window object will be elligible for garbage collection.