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Creates a PropertyInfo object.


public PropertyInfo( Class componentClass, String name, Class type, MemberAttribute[] attributes )

public PropertyInfo( Class componentClass, String name, Class type )

public PropertyInfo( Class componentClass, String name, Class type, MemberAttribute a1 )

public PropertyInfo( Class componentClass, String name, Class type, MemberAttribute a1, MemberAttribute a2 )

public PropertyInfo( Class componentClass, String name, Class type, MemberAttribute a1, MemberAttribute a2, MemberAttribute a3 )

public PropertyInfo( Class componentClass, String name, Class type, MemberAttribute a1, MemberAttribute a2, MemberAttribute a3, MemberAttribute a4 )

public PropertyInfo( Class componentClass, String name, Class type, MemberAttribute a1, MemberAttribute a2, MemberAttribute a3, MemberAttribute a4, MemberAttribute a5 )

public PropertyInfo( Class componentClass, String name, Class type, MemberAttribute a1, MemberAttribute a2, MemberAttribute a3, MemberAttribute a4, MemberAttribute a5, MemberAttribute a6 )

public PropertyInfo( PropertyInfo oldPropertyInfo, MemberAttribute[] attributes )

public PropertyInfo( PropertyInfo oldPropertyInfo, MemberAttribute a1 )

public PropertyInfo( PropertyInfo oldPropertyInfo, MemberAttribute a1, MemberAttribute a2 )

public PropertyInfo( PropertyInfo oldPropertyInfo, MemberAttribute a1, MemberAttribute a2, MemberAttribute a3 )

public PropertyInfo( PropertyInfo oldPropertyInfo, MemberAttribute a1, MemberAttribute a2, MemberAttribute a3, MemberAttribute a4 )



The type of the component that defines the property.


The name of the property.


The type of the property.


An array of MemberAttribute objects that specify the attributes of the property.

a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6

A MemberAttribute object that specifies an attribute of the property.


An existing PropertyInfo object on which to base the new property.


When you create a new property using an existing PropertyInfo object, the attributes of the existing property and those specified for the new property are combined. However, if an attribute of the existing property is of the same class as an attribute specified for the new property, the attribute for the new property takes precedence. For example, if you pass a PropertyInfo object that specifies DefaultValueAttribute.TRUE, but you also pass DefaultValueAttribute.FALSE, the new property is given the DefaultValueAttribute.FALSE attribute.

For an example that shows how to create a PropertyInfo object, see the PropertyInfo overview.