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AdoProperty Class

Encapsulates the ADO Property object, which represents a property for an ADO object.


public class AdoProperty


ADO supports COM Property objects, each of which has a name and a value that represents a characteristic of the object. The AdoProperty class is the WFC representation of the ADO Property object.

There are two types of Property objects: built-in and dynamic. Built-in properties are part of a given ADO object, and each object has methods to assign or retrieve the value of the property. Dynamic properties are appended to the Properties collection of the given ADO object by the underlying OLE DB provider.

To obtain the dynamic properties of an object, first call its getProperties method. This method returns its Properties collection as an AdoProperties object. Then call the getItem method on the AdoProperties object to retrieve the property, either by index or by name. This property is returned as an AdoProperty object.

An AdoProperty object itself has properties. The primary AdoProperty property is value, which retrieves and assigns a value for the property, specified as a object. As a convenience, ADO/WFC also provides accessor methods that retrieve and assign values not specified as variants, but as standard Java data types.

The AdoProperty class defines the following methods, which encapsulate the properties of the ADO Property object:

public int getAttributes()
public void setAttributes( int
attr )

public String getName()

public int getType()

public Variant getValue()
public void setValue( Variant
v )

In addition to the getValue and setValue methods, this class defines the following accessor methods that use Java data types to retrieve and set the value of the AdoProperty object:

public boolean getBoolean()
public void setBoolean( boolean
v )

public byte getByte()
public void setByte( byte
v )

public byte[] getBytes()
public void setBytes ( byte[]
v )

public short getShort()
public void setShort( short
v )

public int getInt()
public void setInt( int
v )

public long getLong()
public void setLong( long
v )

public float getFloat()
public void setFloat( float
v )

public double getDouble()
public void setDouble( double
v )

public String getString()
public void setString( String
v )

public void setObject( Object v )
public Object getObject()

public boolean isNull()
public void setNull()

Note   The isNull method returns a boolean value indicating whether the property is null. There is no getNull method.

See Also   AdoProperties