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Sets a boolean value indicating whether the rows in the grid can be resized at run time.


public void setAllowRowSizing( boolean rowSizing )



Set to true to allow the height of the rows to be changed; otherwise, set to false. The default value of the rowSizing property is true.


When the allowRowSizing property is true, the mouse pointer turns into a double-headed arrow when positioned over the row divider between any two row selectors, and the user can resize the rows by dragging. All rows in the DataGrid control have the same height; resizing one row resizes them all.

Note   If the rowSelectors property is false, the row selectors are not displayed and the user cannot resize rows.

To programmatically resize the rows, call setRowHeight. Note that if the allowRowSizing property is false, setting the row height has no effect.

See Also   getAllowRowSizing