DhBaseContainer Methods

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DhBaseContainer Methods

Methods Description
add Adds a Windows Foundation Classes for Java (WFC) control to the container.

dispose Frees all resources associated with this element.

findElement Locates the child element with the specified peer, ID, index, or DhElement object.

getAllElements Recursively retrieves all child elements and their children.

getElementCount Retrieves the number of child elements in this container.

getElements Retrieves the direct child elements of this container.

onChildAdded Called by the framework after a child element is added to this container.

onChildRemoved Called after a child element is removed from this container.

onChildrenFound Called when all the direct children of this container are available.

remove Removes an element from this container.

removeAll Removes all child elements from this container.

replace Replaces a child element with another.

setDocument Sets the document that is associated with this container.

setNewComponents Adds the components to the container.

setNewElements Adds the HTML elements to the container.