DhDocument Methods

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DhDocument Methods

Methods Description
add Adds an element into this container.

addOnReadyStateChange Assigns a delegate to the readyStateChange event.

addText Appends a text string to the current document.

createElement Creates an element from the name of an HTML tag if possible. This method is used internally by the package.

dispose Frees all resources associated with this element.

dumpDHTML Provides a diagnostic snapshot dump of the Dynamic HTML (DHTML) code.

dumpHTML Displays a diagnostic snapshot dump of the Dynamic HTML code as currently seen by the document host.

enumerate Returns an enumerator that represents the collection of elements.

findElement Searches for an element in the document.

findStyle Retrieves a DhStyle object with the named style for this document.

getAllElements Recursively retrieves all child elements and their children.

getDocumentURL Retrieves the URL source of the current document.

getDomain Retrieves the host name of the server the page is from.

getElement Retrieves the corresponding derivation of DhElement given the underlying HTML element peer.

getElements Retrieves the child elements of this element.

getHandle Retrieves a window handle for the browser document.

getHTML Retrieves the representative HTML of this document (also known as the page).

getLastModified Retrieves the last modified date of the current document.

getLocation Retrieves the current location of the document.

getModule Retrieves the DhModule associated with this document.

getPeer Retrieves the underlying HTML peer element for this class.

getProtocol Retrieves the long name of the protocol.

getReferrer Retrieves the referring document.

getScroll Retrieves the current scroll mode.

getServerMode Determines if the document is on the server or client.

getSize Retrieves the viewable size of the document.

getStyles Retrieves all styles in this document.

getTitle Retrieves the title of the document.

getWindow Retrieves the Window object of this document.

getWindowPeer Retrieves the window peer of this document.

importHTML Imports HTML into the document.

messageBox Displays a modal user message box.

moveElement Moves an element to a new numeric order in the layout flow.

newLine Appends a new line to the current document.

onDocumentBeforeUnload Implements an event handler for the beforeUnload event.

onDocumentLoad Implements an event handler for the load event.

onDocumentUnload Implements an event handler for the unload event.

recreateElements Deserializes HTML text generated by getHTML.

removeOnReadyStateChange Removes the delegate that is assigned to the readyStateChange event.

setBoundElements Binds the elements of the specified array to their peers.

setDomain Sets the host domain for the page.

setGenerateTags Determines whether HEAD and TITLE tags are generated by the getHTML method.

setScroll Sets the current scroll mode.

setTitle Sets the title of the document.

writeHTML Writes a diagnostic snapshot dump of the DHTML code, as currently seen by the document host, to a file.