DhModule Methods

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DhModule Methods

Methods Description
addOnBeforeUnload Assigns a delegate to the beforeUnload event.

addOnError Assigns a delegate to the error event.

addOnGotFocus Assigns a delegate to the gotFocus event.

addOnHelp Assigns a delegate to the help event.

addOnLoad Assigns a delegate to the load event.

addOnLostFocus Assigns a delegate to the lostFocus event.

addOnResize Assigns a delegate to the resize event.

addOnScroll Assigns a delegate to the scroll event.

addOnUnload Assigns a delegate to the unload event.

appendEventHandlers Appends the event handlers of a given module to this module's event handler list.

doMain Initializes a DhModule that was invoked from the console (typically using JView).

GetCodeClass Retrieves the name of the document class for this module (which should be a class extending DhDocument).

getDocument Retrieves the current DhDocument object associated with this module.

getDocumentObject Retrieves the current document associated with this module as an Object for scripting purposes.

getModuleHost Retrieves a string indicating how the module is hosted.

getPeer Retrieves the underlying HTML peer element for this class.

getQueryParameter Retrieves a query parameter.

getRequest Obtains the server Request object, if available (for example, if the module is running on the server).

getResponse Obtains the server Response object, if available (for example, if the module is running on the server).

getServerMode Determines if this DhModule object was sited on IIS.

LoadParameters This is the first and last time this module has a chance to look at the parameters that were authored into the PARAM tags of the hosting HTML document.

removeOnBeforeUnload Removes the delegate that is assigned to the beforeUnload event.

removeOnError Removes the delegate that is assigned to the error event.

removeOnGotFocus Removes the delegate that is assigned to the gotFocus event.

removeOnHelp Removes the delegate that is assigned to the help event.

removeOnLoad Removes the delegate that is assigned to the load event.

removeOnLostFocus Removes the delegate that is assigned to the lostFocus event.

removeOnResize Removes the delegate that is assigned to the resize event.

removeOnScroll Removes the delegate that is assigned to the scroll event.

removeOnUnload Removes the delegate that is assigned to the lostFocus event.

setCodeClass Sets the name of the class of DhDocument that is created for the HTML document containing this module.

setHTMLDocument Sets the import document file name for server-side operations. 

write Writes the specified HTML string to the current site.