Bitmap Methods

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Bitmap Methods

Constructors Description
Bitmap Creates a new Bitmap object.

Methods Description
clone Clones the Bitmap object and returns a duplicate.

copyHandle Retrieves a copy of the Win32 handle for the bitmap on which this object is based.

destroyHandle Called when this object is going to destroy its Win32 handle.

dispose Frees all the resources allocated by this object.

drawStretchTo Renders the bitmap image to a Graphics object, stretching the image to fill the specified dimensions.

drawTo Renders the bitmap image (or part of it) to a Graphics object, cropping the image to fit the specified dimensions.

finalize Frees the resources allocated by the Bitmap object.

getColorMask Retrieves the transparency mask for a transparent bitmap.

getExtension Retrieves the recommended file extension for files that persist this object.

getGraphics Retrieves a Graphics object that you can use to paint to this image.

getHandle Retrieves the Win32 handle to this bitmap.

getMonochromeMask Retrieves the monochrome mask for a transparent bitmap.

getPalette Retrieves this Bitmap object's palette.

getPICTDESC Retrieves a PICTDESC (Picture Descriptor) for this bitmap. 

getSize Retrieves the size of this Bitmap object's image.

getTransparent Retrieves a boolean value that specifies whether this object is configured to be drawn transparently.

getTransparentColor Retrieves the transparent color for the Bitmap object.

setTransparent Specifies whether the bitmap will be drawn transparently.

setTransparentColor Specifies the transparent color for this Bitmap's image.

toString Retrieves a human-readable string representation of this object.