Overview | Methods | This Package | All Packages
Fields | Description |
ACTIVEBORDER | Represents the color of an active window border. |
ACTIVECAPTION | Represents the color of the background of an active title bar caption. |
ACTIVECAPTIONTEXT | Represents the text color of an active title bar caption. |
APPWORKSPACE | Represents the color of the application workspace. |
AQUA | Represents the color aqua. |
BLACK | Represents the color black. |
BLUE | Represents the color blue. |
BROWN | Represents the color brown. |
CONTROL | Represents the color for controls. |
CONTROLDARK | Represents the shadow part of a 3D element. |
CONTROLDARKDARK | Represents the darkest part of a 3D element. |
CONTROLLIGHT | Represents the highlight part of a 3D element. |
CONTROLLIGHTLIGHT | Represents the lightest part of a 3D element. |
CONTROLTEXT | Represents the color of control text. |
CYAN | Represents the color cyan. |
DARKGRAY | Represents the color dark gray. |
DESKTOP | Represents the current desktop color. |
GRAY | Represents the color gray. |
GRAYTEXT | Represents the color of gray disabled text. |
GREEN | Represents the color green. |
HIGHLIGHT | Represents the color of highlighted objects. |
HIGHLIGHTTEXT | Represents the color of highlighted text. |
HOTTRACK | Represents the hottrack color. |
INACTIVEBORDER | Represents the color of an inactive window's border. |
INACTIVECAPTION | Represents the color of the background of an inactive title bar caption. |
INACTIVECAPTIONTEXT | Represents the color of caption text displayed in the title bar of an inactive window. |
INFO | Represents the background color of an information ToolTip. |
INFOTEXT | Represents the color of information ToolTip text. |
LIGHTGRAY | Represents the color light gray. |
MAGENTA | Represents the color magenta. |
MENU | The color for menus. |
MENUTEXT | The color for menu text. |
ORANGE | Represents the color orange. |
PURPLE | Represents the color purple. |
RED | Represents the color red. |
SCROLLBAR | Represents the color of the area of a scroll bar not covered by the thumb button. |
WHITE | Represents the color white. |
WINDOW | Represents the color of a window. |
WINDOWFRAME | Represents the color of a window frame. |
WINDOWTEXT | Represents the color of window text. |
YELLOW | Represents the color yellow. |