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Specifies which drag-and-drop operations are allowed; can be set to specify the current drag-and-drop operation.


public int effect;


The value of the effect field passed with an event initially represents the drag-and-drop effects allowed for the control. The value passed is the result of applying the bitwise OR operation (|) to constants defined in the DragDropEffect class. You can use the effect field to store the current drag-and-drop effect. This information can be used to optimize a drag-and-drop operation, as shown in the following code:

private int effect = 0;

private void testControl_dragEnter(Object sender, DragEvent e) {
    // Check if the COPY effect is allowed.
    if ((e.effect & DragDropEffect.COPY) != 0) {
        // If so, set the current effect to COPY.
        e.effect = DragDropEffect.COPY;
    // Store the current effect. This can then be used to optimize the dragOver event handler.
    effect = e.effect;

private void testControl_dragOver(Object sender, DragEvent e) {
    // Set the effect for the dragOver event to the current effect.
    e.effect = effect;