Edit Methods

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Edit Methods

Constructors Description
Edit Creates an Edit control.

Methods Description
addOnTextChanged Assigns a delegate to the textChanged event.

canUndo Retrieves a boolean value indicating whether the edit control can undo the last operation.

clear Clears the edit control.

clearUndo Clears information about the most recent operation from the undo buffer of the edit control.

copy Copies the current selection in the edit control to the Clipboard.

cut Removes the current selection from the edit control and moves it to the Clipboard.

getAcceptsReturn Retrieves a boolean value indicating whether pressing ENTER in a multiline edit control creates a new line of text in the edit control instead of activating the default button for the form.

getAcceptsTab Retrieves a boolean value indicating that pressing TAB in the edit control types a TAB character in the control instead of moving the focus to the next control in the tab order.

getAutoSize Retrieves a boolean value indicating whether the size of the control automatically adjusts when the font is changed.

getBorderStyle Retrieves a value indicating the kind of border the edit control has.

getCharacterCasing Retrieves a value indicating whether the edit control modifies the case of characters as they are typed into the control.

getHideSelection Retrieves a boolean value indicating whether the selected text in the edit control remains highlighted when the control loses the focus.

getLines Retrieves the text in the edit control.

getMaxLength Retrieves the maximum length, in bytes, of the text the user can type into the edit control.

getMultiline Retrieves a boolean value indicating whether this is a multiline edit control.

getPasswordChar Retrieves the character used to mask characters in a single-line edit control used to enter passwords.

getPreferredHeight Retrieves the preferred height for the edit control.

getReadOnly Retrieves a boolean value indicating whether the edit control is read-only.

getScrollBars Retrieves a value indicating which scroll bars appear on a multiline edit control.

getSelectedText Retrieves the currently selected text in the edit control.

getSelectionEnd Retrieves the zero-based index of the first character after the end of the current text selection in the edit control.

getSelectionStart Retrieves the zero-based index of the first character in the current text selection in the edit control.

getTextAlign Retrieves a value indicating how text is aligned in an edit control.

getWordWrap Retrieves a boolean value indicating whether a multiline edit control automatically wraps words to the beginning of the next line when necessary.

onTextChanged Triggers the textChanged event.

paste Replaces the current selection in the edit control with the contents of the Clipboard.

removeOnTextChanged Removes the delegate that is assigned to the textChanged event.

select Selects a range of text in the edit control.

selectAll Selects all the text in the edit control.

setAcceptsReturn Sets a boolean value indicating whether pressing ENTER in a multiline edit control creates a new line of text in the edit control instead of activating the default button for the form.

setAcceptsTab Sets a boolean value indicating that pressing TAB in the edit control types a TAB character in the control instead of moving the focus to the next control in the tab order.

setAutoSize Sets a boolean value indicating whether the size of the control automatically adjusts when the font is changed.

setBorderStyle Sets a value indicating the kind of border the edit control has.

setCharacterCasing Sets a value indicating whether the edit control modifies the case of characters as they are typed into the control.

setHideSelection Sets a boolean value indicating whether the selected text in the edit control remains highlighted when the control loses the focus.

setLines Sets the text in the edit control.

setMaxLength Sets the maximum length, in bytes, of the text the user can type into the edit control.

setMultiline Sets a boolean value indicating whether this is a multiline edit control.

setPasswordChar Sets the character used to mask characters in a single-line edit control used to enter passwords.

setReadOnly Sets a boolean value indicating whether the edit control is read-only.

setScrollBars Sets a value indicating which scroll bars appear in a multiline edit control.

setSelectedText Replaces the currently selected text in the edit control with the specified text.

setSelectionEnd Sets the end position of the text selection in the edit control.

setSelectionStart Sets the starting position of the text selection in the edit control.

setTextAlign Sets a value indicating how text is aligned in an edit control.

setWordWrap Sets a boolean value indicating whether a multiline edit control automatically wraps words to the beginning of the next line when necessary.

toString Retrieves a string that contains information about the edit control.

undo Undoes the last operation in the edit control if the canUndo property is set to true.