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Value Editor Classes (

Provide editors for property values of a specified type. Value editors are used within a property browser to modify property values at design time.

  |    |
  |    +--ImageIndexEditor
  |    |
  |    +--SameParentReferenceEditor
  |    |
  |    +--FileNameEditor



Supports property values that determine which sides of the container a control is bound to. This class provides a drop-down graphical control that allows the user to specify which sides to anchor the control to.


Supports property values that determine which side of the container a control is docked to. This class provides a drop-down graphical control that allows the user to specify which side to dock the control to.


Supports property values that are file names, providing a dialog box to select an existing file. This class extends StringEditor.


Supports property values that are arrays of images, providing a dialog box to visually add, remove, and sort images. This class extends IntegerEditor.


Supports property values of type int. This class can translate to and from textual representations.


Supports property values that refer to other components. This class enumerates possible values by querying the container of the hosting component for all components that implement the property type.


Supports property values that refer to other components that have the same parent as this control. This class extends ReferenceEditor.


Supports property values that are strings.


Supports property values that are arrays of tree nodes, providing a dialog box to visually add, remove, and sort nodes and to associate images with nodes.