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Creates a new Font object.


public Font( int handle )

public Font( String name, float size )

public Font( String name, float size, int units )

public Font( String name, float size, int units, int weight, boolean italic, boolean underline, boolean strikeOut )

public Font( String name, float size, int units, int weight, boolean italic, boolean underline, boolean strikeOut, int charSet, int orientation )

public Font( Font font, float size, int units )

public Font( Font font, int weight, boolean italic, boolean underline, boolean strikeOut )

public Font( Font font, float size, int units, int weight, boolean italic, boolean underline, boolean strikeOut )

public Font( int family, int pitch, float size, int units )

public Font( int family, int pitch, float size, int units, int weight, boolean italic, boolean underline, boolean strikeOut )

public Font( int family, int pitch, float size, int units, int weight, boolean italic, boolean underline, boolean strikeOut, int charSet, int orientation )

public Font( FontMetrics fm )

public Font( FontDescriptor fd )

public Font( IDataStream stream )



The handle to a Win32 font. If you create a Font object based on a handle that you have allocated, the Font object does not dispose of this handle. Instead, you must free it manually.


The face name of the font to create.


The size of the font, measured in the units specified in the units parameter. If no units are specified, the size is measured in points. Each point measures 1/72 of an inch.


The units in which the size of the font is specified. This value must be one of the enumeration constants defined in the FontSize class.


The weight of the font. This value can be any value from 1 to 1000. For some of the common values used for this parameter, see the FontWeight class.


Set to true if the font is to be italicized; otherwise, set to false.


Set to true if the font is to be underlined; otherwise, set to false.


Set to true if the font is to be struck through; otherwise, set to false.


The character set of the font. This value must be one of the enumeration constants defined in the class.


Orientation of the font. This is the angle, in tenths of a degree, between a character's baseline and the x-axis of a device.


The existing font to use as a template.


The family of the font you want to create. This value must be one of the enumeration constants defined in the FontFamily class.


The pitch of the font you want to create. This value must be one of the enumeration values defined in the FontPitch class.


A FontMetrics object that describes the font to create.


A FontDescriptor object that describes the font to create.


The IDataStream from which to read the font.