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Sets up the coordinate scale for a user-defined coordinate system.


public final void setCoordinateScale( Point page, Point device )



A Point object that specifies the page space coordinate scaling factor. This value is always expressed in logical device coordinates. To leave the current page scaling factor at its current setting, this parameter should be null.


A Point object that specifies the device space coordinate scaling factor. This value is always expressed in physical device coordinates. To leave the current device scaling factor at its current setting, this parameter should be null.


Win32 defines all coordinates using page space or device space. Page space is the logical coordinate system that all Graphics object calls use. Device space is the physical coordinate system that represents a window or printer page. All page space coordinates are expressed in logical units for the page's coordinate system. All device space coordinates are expressed in pixels.

You can set both the scaling and origin of the transformation that the Graphics object uses to translate page space to device space. The scaling factor is set by calling setCoordinateScale. The origin is set by calling setCoordinateSystem.

Note  The setCoordinateScale method can be used only if the coordinate system has been set to CoordinateSystem.ISOTROPIC or CoordinateSystem.ANISOTROPIC.

See Also   CoordinateSystem