HitArea Fields

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HitArea Fields

Fields Description
CALENDAR_BACKGROUND Specifies the calendar's background.

DATE Specifies a particular date within the calendar.

DAY_OF_WEEK Specifies a day abbreviation ("Fri", for example).

NEXT_MONTH_BUTTON Specifies the button at the top right corner of the control.

NEXT_MONTH_DATE Specifies a date from the next month (partially displayed at the end of the currently displayed month).

NOWHERE Specifies an area that is not part of the month calendar control or an inactive area of the month calendar control.

PREV_MONTH_BUTTON Specifies the button at the top left corner of the control.

PREV_MONTH_DATE Specifies a date from the previous month (partially displayed at the beginning of the currently displayed month).

TITLE_BACKGROUND Specifies the background of a month's title.

TITLE_MONTH Specifies a month's title bar, over a month name.

TITLE_YEAR Specifies a month's title bar, over the year value.

TODAY_LINK Specifies the "Today" link at the bottom of the month calendar control.

WEEK_NUMBERS Specifies a week number.