Image Methods

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Image Methods

Constructors Description
Image Creates an Image object.

Methods Description
copyHandle Retrieves a copy of the Win32 handle for the image on which this object is based.

dispose Frees all the resources allocated by this object.

drawStretchTo Renders the image (or part of it) to a Graphics object, stretching the image to fit the specified dimensions.

drawTo Renders the bitmap image to a Graphics object, cropping the image to fill the specified dimensions.

finalize Frees all the resources allocated by this object.

getHandle Retrieves the Win32 handle to this image.

getPICTDESC Retrieves a PICTDESC (Picture Descriptor) for this image. 

getPicture Retrieves the OLE object associated with this image.

getSize Retrieves the size of the image.

loadImage Loads an image from a stream.

loadPicture Loads a picture from the specified stream.

save Saves the image to the specified output stream.

toString Retrieves a human-readable string representation of this object.