MessageBox Fields

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MessageBox Fields

Fields Description
ABORTRETRYIGNORE Indicates that the message box should display Abort, Retry, and Ignore buttons.

DEFBUTTON1 Indicates that the first button on the message box should be the default button.

DEFBUTTON2 Indicates that the second button on the message box should be the default button.

DEFBUTTON3 Indicates that the third button on the message box should be the default button.

ICONASTERISK Indicates that the message box should display an asterisk icon.

ICONERROR Indicates that the message box should display an error icon.

ICONEXCLAMATION Indicates that the message box should display an exclamation icon.

ICONHAND Indicates that a hand icon should be displayed on the message box.

ICONINFORMATION Indicates that the message box should display a question mark.

ICONQUESTION Indicates that the message box should display a question mark.

ICONSTOP Indicates that the message box should display a stop icon.

ICONWARNING Indicates that the message box should display a warning icon.

OK Indicates that the message box should display an OK button.

OKCANCEL Indicates that the message box should display OK and Cancel buttons.

RETRYCANCEL Indicates that the message box should display Retry and Cancel buttons.

YESNO Indicates that the message box should display Yes and No buttons.

YESNOCANCEL Indicates that the message box should display Yes, No, and Cancel buttons.