Rebar Methods

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Rebar Methods

Constructors Description
Rebar Creates a Rebar control.

Methods Description
add Adds a control, along with a rebar band to contain it, to the rebar control.

addBand Adds a rebar band to the rebar control.

addOnAutoSize Assigns a delegate to the autoSize event.

addOnHeightChange Assigns a delegate to the heightChange event.

addOnLayoutChange Assigns a delegate to the layoutChange event.

getAutoSize Retrieves a boolean value indicating whether the rebar will automatically adjust its size when the bands it contains are moved or resized.

getBandBorders Retrieves a boolean value indicating whether narrow lines separate adjacent bands in the rebar control.

getBands Retrieves the all the bands in the rebar.

getBorderStyle Retrieves a value indicating the kind of border the rebar control has.

getDoubleClickToggle Retrieves a boolean value indicating whether the user double-clicks or single-clicks to toggle the size of the rebar band.

getFixedOrder Retrieves a boolean value indicating whether the user can change the order of the bands in the rebar control.

getImageList Retrieves the image list control associated with the rebar control.

getOrientation Retrieves a value indicating whether the rebar control is oriented horizontally or vertically.

onAutoSize Triggers the autoSize event.

onHeightChange Triggers the heightChange event.

onLayoutChange Triggers the layoutChange event.

onResize Triggers the resize event.

remove Removes a control, along with the band that contains it, from the rebar control.

removeAllBands Removes all bands from the rebar control.

removeBand Removes the specified band from the rebar control.

removeOnAutoSize Removes the delegate that is assigned to the autoSize event.

removeOnHeightChange Removes the delegate that is assigned to the heightChange event.

removeOnLayoutChange Removes the delegate that is assigned to the layoutChange event.

setAutoSize Sets a boolean value indicating whether the rebar will automatically adjust its size when the bands it contains are moved or resized.

setBandBorders Sets a boolean value indicating whether narrow lines separate adjacent bands in the rebar control.

setBands Adds a set of bands to the rebar control.

setBorderStyle Sets a value indicating the kind of border the rebar control has.

setDock Sets a value indicating which edge of its container this control is docked to.

setDoubleClickToggle Sets a boolean value indicating whether the user double-clicks or single-clicks to toggle the size of the rebar band.

setFixedOrder Sets a boolean value indicating whether the user can change the order of the bands in the rebar control.

setImageList Sets the image list control associated with the rebar control.

setNewControls Adds controls, along with bands to contain them, to the rebar control.

setOrientation Sets a value indicating whether the rebar control is oriented horizontally or vertically.