ScrollBar Methods

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ScrollBar Methods

Constructors Description
ScrollBar Creates a scroll bar.

Methods Description
addOnScroll Assigns a delegate to the scroll event.

addOnValueChanged Assigns a delegate to the valueChanged event.

getLargeChange Retrieves the increment between each large change of the scroll thumb.

getMaximum Retrieves the maximum value of the scroll bar.

getMinimum Retrieves the minimum value of the scroll bar.

getSmallChange Retrieves the increment between each small change of the scroll thumb.

getValue Retrieves the current value of the scroll bar.

onScroll Triggers the scroll event.

onValueChanged Triggers the valueChanged event.

removeOnScroll Removes the delegate that is assigned to the scroll event.

removeOnValueChanged Removes the delegate that is assigned to the valueChanged event.

setLargeChange Sets the increment between each large change of the scroll thumb.

setMaximum Sets the maximum value of the scroll bar.

setMinimum Sets the minimum possible value of the scroll bar.

setSmallChange Sets the increment between each small change of the scroll thumb.

setValue Sets the value of the scroll bar.