Overview | This Package | All Packages
Constructors | Description |
TreeView | Creates a TreeView control. |
Methods | Description |
addNode | Adds a root node to the tree view control. |
addOnAfterCheck | Assigns a delegate to the afterCheck event. |
addOnAfterCollapse | Assigns a delegate to the afterCollapse event. |
addOnAfterExpand | Assigns a delegate to the afterExpand event. |
addOnAfterLabelEdit | Assigns a delegate to the afterLabelEdit event. |
addOnAfterSelect | Assigns a delegate to the afterSelect event. |
addOnBeforeCheck | Assigns a delegate to the beforeCheck event. |
addOnBeforeCollapse | Assigns a delegate to the beforeCollapse event. |
addOnBeforeExpand | Assigns a delegate to the beforeExpand event. |
addOnBeforeLabelEdit | Assigns a delegate to the beforeLabelEdit event. |
addOnBeforeSelect | Assigns a delegate to the beforeSelect event. |
addOnItemDrag | Assigns a delegate to the itemDrag event. |
beginUpdate | Maintains performance while items are added to the tree view control one at a time by preventing the TreeView control from painting until the endUpdate method is called. |
collapseAll | Collapses all root nodes in the tree view control. |
endUpdate | Resumes painting the TreeView control after painting is suspended by the beginUpdate method. |
expandAll | Expands all root nodes in the tree view control. |
getBorderStyle | Retrieves a value indicating the kind of border the tree view control has. |
getCheckBoxes | Retrieves a boolean value indicating whether a check box appears next to each node in the tree view control. |
getHideSelection | Retrieves a boolean value indicating whether the selected node in the tree view control remains highlighted when the control loses the focus. |
getHotTracking | Retrieves a boolean value indicating whether nodes in the tree view control are highlighted as the mouse pointer passes over them. |
getImageIndex | Retrieves the index of the image that appears by default next to nodes in the tree view control. |
getImageList | Retrieves the image list control associated with the tree view control. |
getIndent | Retrieves the distance, in pixels, that nodes are indented relative to their parent nodes. |
getLabelEdit | Retrieves a boolean value indicating whether the user can edit the labels of tree view nodes. |
getNode | Retrieves the node at the specified zero-based index. |
getNodeAt | Retrieves the node at the specified location. |
getNodeCount | Retrieves the number of root nodes contained in the tree view control. |
getNodes | Retrieves an array containing all the root nodes in the tree view control. |
getPathSeparator | Retrieves the delimiter character used in the path returned by the TreeNode.getFullPath method. |
getScrollable | Retrieves a boolean value indicating whether a scroll bar is added to the tree view control when there is not enough room to display all the tree view nodes in the control's client area. |
getSelectedImageIndex | Retrieves the index of the image that appears next to the node that is currently selected in the tree view control. |
getSelectedNode | Retrieves the currently selected node in the tree view control. |
getShowLines | Retrieves a boolean value indicating whether a line is drawn to connect each child node to its parent node in the tree view control. |
getShowPlusMinus | Retrieves a boolean value indicating whether a plus (+) or minus (-) button, which allows the user to expand or collapse a node by clicking, appears next to tree nodes that have children. |
getShowRootLines | Retrieves a boolean value indicating whether a line is drawn to connect all the root nodes of the tree view control. |
getSorted | Retrieves a boolean value indicating whether the nodes in the tree view control are sorted alphabetically. |
getTopNode | Retrieves first visible node in a tree view control. |
getVisibleCount | Retrieves the number of nodes that can be fully visible in the tree view control. |
insertNode | Inserts the specified node into the tree view control as a root node at the specified position. |
onAfterCheck | Triggers the afterCheck event. |
onAfterCollapse | Triggers the afterCollapse event. |
onAfterExpand | Triggers the afterExpand event. |
onAfterLabelEdit | Triggers the afterLabelEdit event. |
onAfterSelect | Triggers the afterSelect event. |
onBeforeCheck | Triggers the beforeCheck event. |
onBeforeCollapse | Triggers the beforeCollapse event. |
onBeforeExpand | Triggers the beforeExpand event. |
onBeforeLabelEdit | Triggers the beforeLabelEdit event. |
onBeforeSelect | Triggers the beforeSelect event. |
onCreateHandle | Triggers the createHandle event. |
onItemDrag | Triggers the itemDrag event. |
removeAll | Remove all nodes from the tree view control. |
removeOnAfterCheck | Removes the delegate that is assigned to the afterCheck event. |
removeOnAfterCollapse | Removes the delegate that is assigned to the afterCollapse event. |
removeOnAfterExpand | Removes the delegate that is assigned to the afterExpand event. |
removeOnAfterLabelEdit | Removes the delegate that is assigned to the afterLabelEdit event. |
removeOnAfterSelect | Removes the delegate that is assigned to the afterSelect event. |
removeOnBeforeCheck | Removes the delegate that is assigned to the beforeCheck event. |
removeOnBeforeCollapse | Removes the delegate that is assigned to the beforeCollapse event. |
removeOnBeforeExpand | Removes the delegate that is assigned to the beforeExpand event. |
removeOnBeforeLabelEdit | Removes the delegate that is assigned to the beforeLabelEdit event. |
removeOnBeforeSelect | Removes the delegate that is assigned to the beforeSelect event. |
removeOnItemDrag | Removes the delegate that is assigned to the itemDrag event. |
resetIndent | Resets the indentation to the system default. |
setBorderStyle | Sets a value indicating the kind of border the tree view control has. |
setCheckBoxes | Sets a boolean value indicating whether a check box appears next to each node in the tree view control. |
setHideSelection | Sets a boolean value indicating whether the selected node in the tree view control remains highlighted when the control loses the focus. |
setHotTracking | Sets a boolean value indicating whether nodes in the tree view control are highlighted as the mouse pointer passes over them. |
setImageIndex | Sets the index of the image that appears by default next to nodes in the tree view control. |
setImageList | Sets the image list control associated with the tree view control. |
setIndent | Sets the distance, in pixels, that nodes are indented relative to their parent nodes. |
setLabelEdit | Sets a boolean value indicating whether the user can edit the labels of tree view nodes. |
setNode | Replaces the node at the specified position in the tree view control. |
setNodes | Adds a set of root nodes to the tree view control. |
setPathSeparator | Sets the delimiter character used in the path returned by the TreeNode.getFullPath method. |
setScrollable | Sets a boolean value indicating whether a scroll bar is added to the tree view control when there is not enough room to display all the tree view nodes in the control's client area. |
setSelectedImageIndex | Sets the index of the image that appears next to the node that is currently selected in the tree view control. |
setSelectedNode | Selects the specified node in the tree view control. |
setShowLines | Sets a boolean value indicating whether a line connects each child node to its parent node in the tree view control. |
setShowPlusMinus | Sets a boolean value indicating whether a plus (+) or minus (-) button, which allows the user to expand or collapse a node by clicking, appears next to tree nodes that have children. |
setShowRootLines | Sets a boolean value indicating whether a line is drawn to connect all the root nodes of the tree view control. |
setSorted | Sets a boolean value indicating whether the nodes in the tree view control are sorted alphabetically. |
shouldPersistIndent | Retrieves a boolean value indicating whether the value of the indent property has been explicitly set and should therefore be persisted. |