Overview | This Package | All Packages
Constructors | Description |
List | Creates a List object. |
Methods | Description |
addItem | Adds an item to the list. |
addItems | Adds all items to the list. |
clone | Creates an identical copy of this list. |
containsItem | Determines whether the specified item is contained in the list. |
dequeueItem | Removes an item from the beginning of the list. This removes the item stored at the 0 index. |
dequeueItemOrNull | Removes an item from the beginning of the list. This removes the item stored at the 0 index. |
enqueueItem | Adds an item to the end of the list. |
ensureCapacity | Ensures the minimum capacity of the list. |
equals | Tests for equality between this list and the object. |
findIndex | Searches the list for the specified item. |
findLastIndex | Searches for an item starting from the end of the list. |
getAllItems | Retrieves an array containing all the items in the list. |
getCapacity | Retrieves the current capacity of the list. This doesn't reflect the number of items. |
getEmpty | Determines whether the list currently contains no items. |
getItem | Retrieves the item stored at the index location. |
getItemEnumerator | Retrieves an enumerator for all the items in the list. |
getItems | Retrieves an array containing the items in the list starting at the specified index for a designated number of items. |
getSize | Retrieves the current number of items stored in the list. |
getVersion | Retrieves the current version of the list. |
hashCode | Computes the hash code for this object. |
insertItem | Inserts the item at the specified position. |
insertItems | Inserts items starting at the specified position. |
moveItem | Moves the item from the source index to the destination index. |
moveItems | Moves items starting from the source index to the destination index. |
peekQueue | Retrieves the next item in the queue without removing it from the queue. This retrieves the item at the beginning of the list. |
peekStack | Retrieves the topmost item in the stack without removing it. This retrieves the item at the end of the list. |
popItem | Retrieves and removes the topmost item in the stack. |
popItemOrNull | Retrieves and removes the topmost item in the stack. |
pushItem | Inserts an item into the stack. |
removeAllItems | Removes all items from the list. |
removeItem | Removes the specified item from the list. |
removeItems | Removes a number of items starting at the specified index. |
reverseItems | Reverses all items in the list. |
setAllItems | Sets all the items in the list given an array of items. |
setItem | Sets an item in the list to be the specified item. |
setItems | Sets a number of items starting at the specified index. |
setSize | Sets the number of items contained in the list. |
sort | Sorts the entire list using the specified comparer. |
toString | Creates a string representation of this list. |
trimToSize | Removes excess space from the list, ensuring that the capacity of the list is equal to the number of items. |