Overview | This Package | All Packages
Methods | Description |
appendArrays | Appends two arrays to form a new array. |
appendFormat | Appends the specified format string to the buffer using a string array to apply a format. |
appendStrings | Appends two strings, even if one or both of the strings are null. |
arraysEqual | Compares two arrays for equality. |
arrayUnion | Creates a new array from two existing arrays. |
capitalize | Capitalizes the first letter of a string. |
createPOINT | Creates a Win32 POINT structure from the specified coordinates. |
createRECT | Creates a Win32 RECT structure from the specified coordinates. |
decapitalize | Converts the first letter of a string to lowercase. |
equals | Compares two objects for equality and checks for null values. |
format | Formats a string by replacing all occurrences of %n with the specified strings. |
getJavaIdentifier | Determines whether the string is a valid Java identifier. |
getPrimitiveWord | Determines whether a string is a Java primitive word. |
getReservedWord | Determines whether the string is a reserved Java keyword. |
getSuperclass | Retrieves the superclass of the specified class. |
getSystemErrorMessage | Retrieves the text associated with the last Win32 error. |
intToHex | Creates a string that contains the hexadecimal representation of the integer with the specified number of hexadecimal digits. |
longToHex | Creates a string that contains the hexadecimal representation of the long value with the specified number of hexadecimal digits. |
parseDblList | Parses the string for a list of double values. |
parseIntList | Parses the string for a list of integer values. |
parseStringList | Parses the string into substrings that are separated by tokens. |
quotedChar | Creates a string that contains the specified character that can be put into a stream that can be compiled. |
quotedString | Creates a string that contains the same value as the specified string and can be put into a compilable quoted string. |
stringsEqual | Compares two strings for equality. |
stringsEqualIgnoreCase | Compares two strings for case-insensitive equality. |
stripClassName | Retrieves the name of the class without the package name. |
trimArray | Trims an array to a specified length. |
trimBlanks | Retrieves a substring with the leading and trailing white space removed. |
unparseStringList | Retrieves a string that contains each element of the specified strings separated by the specified token. |
validateIdentifier | Validates that the string is a valid Java identifier and not a reserved word. |