Value Methods

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Value Methods

Methods Description
assignVariant Assigns a value to a variant.

format Formats a value using a format string.

formatCurrency Formats a numeric value using currency formatting.

formatNumber Formats a numeric value using number formatting.

isNull Determines whether a specified value is null.

parseNumber Converts a string to a number.

toBoolean Converts an object to a boolean value.

toByte Converts an object to a byte value.

toChar Converts an object to a character.

toDouble Converts an object to a double value.

toFloat Converts an object to a float value.

toInt Converts an object to an integer value.

toLong Converts an object to a long value.

toObject Converts a boolean value to an object.

toShort Converts an object to a short value.

toString Converts a value to a string.

toVariant Converts a Variant object of one type into another variant type.