FontMetrics Members

FontMetrics Members

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Name Description
font The actual font.

Name Description
FontMetrics(Font) Creates a new FontMetrics object for finding out height and width information about the specified font and specific character glyphs in that font.

Name Description
bytesWidth(byte[], int, int) Returns the total advance width for showing the specified array of bytes in this Font.
charsWidth(char[], int, int) Returns the total advance width for showing the specified array of characters in this Font.
charWidth(char) Returns the advance width of the specified character in this Font.
charWidth(int) Returns the advance width of the specified character in this Font.
getAscent() Determines the font ascent of the font described by this font metric.
getDescent() Determines the font descent of the font described by this font metric.
getFont() Gets the font described by this font metric.
getHeight() Gets the standard height of a line of text in this font.
getLeading() Determines the standard leading of the font described by this font metric.
getMaxAdvance() Gets the maximum advance width of any character in this Font.
getMaxAscent() Determines the maximum ascent of the font described by this font metric.
getMaxDecent() For backward compatibility only. Deprecated.
getMaxDescent() Determines the maximum descent of the font described by this font metric.
getWidths() Gets the advance widths of the first 256 characters in the Font.
stringWidth(String) Returns the total advance width for showing the specified String in this Font.
toString() Returns a representation of this FontMetric object's values as a string.