ScrollPane Members

ScrollPane Members

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Name Description
SCROLLBARS_ALWAYS Specifies that horizontal/vertical scrollbars should always be shown regardless of the respective sizes of the scrollpane and child.
SCROLLBARS_AS_NEEDED Specifies that horizontal/vertical scrollbar should be shown only when the size of the child exceeds the size of the scrollpane in the horizontal/vertical dimension.
SCROLLBARS_NEVER Specifies that horizontal/vertical scrollbars should never be shown regardless of the respective sizes of the scrollpane and child.

Name Description
ScrollPane() Create a new scrollpane container with a scrollbar display policy of "as needed".
ScrollPane(int) Create a new scrollpane container.

Name Description
addImpl(Component, Object, int) Adds the specified component to this scroll pane container.
addNotify() Creates the scroll pane's peer.
doLayout() Lays out this container by resizing its child to its preferred size.
getHAdjustable() Returns the Adjustable object which represents the state of the horizontal scrollbar.
getHScrollbarHeight() Returns the height that would be occupied by a horizontal scrollbar, which is independent of whether it is currently displayed by the scroll pane or not.
getScrollbarDisplayPolicy() Returns the display policy for the scrollbars.
getScrollPosition() Returns the current x,y position within the child which is displayed at the 0,0 location of the scrolled panel's view port.
getVAdjustable() Returns the Adjustable object which represents the state of the vertical scrollbar.
getViewportSize() Returns the current size of the scroll pane's view port.
getVScrollbarWidth() Returns the width that would be occupied by a vertical scrollbar, which is independent of whether it is currently displayed by the scroll pane or not.
layout() Deprecated.
paramString() Returns the parameter string representing the state of this container.
printComponents(Graphics) Prints the component in this scroll pane.
setLayout(LayoutManager) Sets the layout manager for this container.
setScrollPosition(int, int) Scrolls to the specified position within the child component.
setScrollPosition(Point) Scrolls to the specified position within the child component.