Toolkit Members

Toolkit Members

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Name Description

Name Description
beep() Emits an audio beep.
checkImage(Image, int, int, ImageObserver) Indicates the construction status of a specified image that is being prepared for display.
createButton(Button) Creates this toolkit's implementation of Button using the specified peer interface.
createCanvas(Canvas) Creates this toolkit's implementation of Canvas using the specified peer interface.
createCheckbox(Checkbox) Creates this toolkit's implementation of Checkbox using the specified peer interface.
createCheckboxMenuItem(CheckboxMenuItem) Creates this toolkit's implementation of CheckboxMenuItem using the specified peer interface.
createChoice(Choice) Creates this toolkit's implementation of Choice using the specified peer interface.
createComponent(Component) Creates a peer for a component or container.
createDialog(Dialog) Creates this toolkit's implementation of Dialog using the specified peer interface.
createFileDialog(FileDialog) Creates this toolkit's implementation of FileDialog using the specified peer interface.
createFrame(Frame) Creates this toolkit's implementation of Frame using the specified peer interface.
createImage(byte[]) Creates an image which decodes the image stored in the specified byte array.
createImage(byte[], int, int) Creates an image which decodes the image stored in the specified byte array, and at the specified offset and length.
createImage(ImageProducer) Creates an image with the specified image producer.
createLabel(Label) Creates this toolkit's implementation of Label using the specified peer interface.
createList(List) Creates this toolkit's implementation of List using the specified peer interface.
createMenu(Menu) Creates this toolkit's implementation of Menu using the specified peer interface.
createMenuBar(MenuBar) Creates this toolkit's implementation of MenuBar using the specified peer interface.
createMenuItem(MenuItem) Creates this toolkit's implementation of MenuItem using the specified peer interface.
createPanel(Panel) Creates this toolkit's implementation of Panel using the specified peer interface.
createPopupMenu(PopupMenu) Creates this toolkit's implementation of PopupMenu using the specified peer interface.
createScrollbar(Scrollbar) Creates this toolkit's implementation of Scrollbar using the specified peer interface.
createScrollPane(ScrollPane) Creates this toolkit's implementation of ScrollPane using the specified peer interface.
createTextArea(TextArea) Creates this toolkit's implementation of TextArea using the specified peer interface.
createTextField(TextField) Creates this toolkit's implementation of TextField using the specified peer interface.
createWindow(Window) Creates this toolkit's implementation of Window using the specified peer interface.
getColorModel() Determines the color model of this toolkit's screen.
getDefaultToolkit() Gets the default toolkit.
getFontList() Returns the names of the available fonts in this toolkit.

For 1.1, the following font names are deprecated (the replacement name follows):

  • TimesRoman (use Serif)
  • Helvetica (use SansSerif)
  • Courier (use Monospaced)

The ZapfDingbats font is also deprecated in 1.1, but only as a separate fontname.

getFontMetrics(Font) Gets the screen metrics of the font.
getFontPeer(String, int) Creates this toolkit's implementation of Font using the specified peer interface.
getImage(String) Returns an image which gets pixel data from the specified file.
getImage(URL) Returns an image which gets pixel data from the specified URL.
getMenuShortcutKeyMask() Determines which modifier key is the appropriate accelerator key for menu shortcuts.
getNativeContainer(Component) Give native peers the ability to query the native container given a native component (eg the direct parent may be lightweight).
getPrintJob(Frame, String, Properties) Gets a PrintJob object which is the result of initiating a print operation on the toolkit's platform.
getProperty(String, String) Gets a property with the specified key and default.
getScreenResolution() Returns the screen resolution in dots-per-inch.
getScreenSize() Gets the size of the screen.
getSystemClipboard() Gets an instance of the system clipboard which interfaces with clipboard facilities provided by the native platform.
getSystemEventQueue() Get the application's or applet's EventQueue instance.
loadSystemColors(int[]) Fills in the integer array that is supplied as an argument with the current system color values.
prepareImage(Image, int, int, ImageObserver) Prepares an image for rendering.
sync() Synchronizes this toolkit's graphics state.