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Syntax 1
public ServerSocket( int port ) throws IOException
the port number, or 0 to use any free port.
Creates a server socket on a specified port. A port of 0 creates a socket on any free port.

The maximum queue length for incoming connection indications (a request to connect) is set to 50. If a connection indication arrives when the queue is full, the connection is refused.

If the application has specified a server socket factory, that factory's createSocketImpl method is called to create the actual socket implementation. Otherwise a "plain" socket is created.

IOException if an I/O error occurs when opening the socket.
See Also
SocketImpl, createSocketImpl, setSocketFactory

Syntax 2
public ServerSocket( int port, int backlog ) throws IOException
the specified port, or 0 to use any free port.
the maximum length of the queue.
Creates a server socket and binds it to the specified local port number. A port number of 0 creates a socket on any free port.

The maximum queue length for incoming connection indications (a request to connect) is set to the count parameter. If a connection indication arrives when the queue is full, the connection is refused.

If the application has specified a server socket factory, that factory's createSocketImpl method is called to create the actual socket implementation. Otherwise a "plain" socket is created.

IOException if an I/O error occurs when opening the socket.
See Also
SocketImpl, createSocketImpl, setSocketFactory

Syntax 3
public ServerSocket( int port, int backlog, InetAddress bindAddr ) throws IOException
the local TCP port
the listen backlog
the local InetAddress the server will bind to
Create a server with the specified port, listen backlog, and local IP address to bind to. The bindAddr argument can be used on a multi-homed host for a ServerSocket that will only accept connect requests to one of its addresses. If bindAddr is null, it will default accepting connections on any/all local addresses. The port must be between 0 and 65535, inclusive.

See Also
SocketConstants, SocketOption, SocketImpl, 1