Interface DSAKeyPairGenerator


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public interface DSAKeyPairGenerator

An interface to an object capable of generating DSA key pairs.

The initialize methods may each be called any number of times. If no initialize method is called on a DSAKeyPairGenerator, the default is to generate 1024-bit keys, using precomputed p, q and g parameters and an instance of SecureRandom as the random bit source.

Users wishing to indicate DSA-specific parameters, and to generate a key pair suitable for use with the DSA algorithm typically

  1. Get a key pair generator for the DSA algorithm by calling the KeyPairGenerator getInstance method with "DSA" as its argument.

  2. Initialize the generator by casting the result to a DSAKeyPairGenerator and calling one of the initialize methods from this DSAKeyPairGenerator interface.

  3. Generate a key pair by calling the generateKeyPair method from the KeyPairGenerator class.

Note: it is not always necessary to do do algorithm-specific initialization for a DSA key pair generator. That is, it is not always necessary to call an initialize method in this interface. Algorithm-independent initialization using the initialize method in the KeyPairGenerator interface is all that is needed when you accept defaults for algorithm-specific parameters.

See Also: