
#include <wsvv.h>

int PASCAL FAR sendto(s, buf, len, flags, to, tolen)
SOCKET s; /* connected socket on which to send */
const char FAR *
buf; /* buffer containing data to transmit */
len; /* length of data in buffer */
flags; /* specifies optional behavior of the call */
const struct sockaddr FAR *
to; /* address structure for destination socket */
tolen; /* length of address structure */

Send data to a specific destination.


The sendto function specifies the protocol ID for the socket using the modified sockaddr structure.

The additional value for the flags parameter is VV_REQUESTREPLY. It indicates that the receiver will return data. This allows minimization of muting time of voice communications.Additional values for the flags parameter are:

See Also

recv, recvfrom, socket, sendto, WSAStartup