Building Data-Centric Applications with Visual J++


Visual J++ provides design tools and wizards to make it easy for you to access data. You can add the Windows Foundation Classes for Java (WFC) data controls to your form in the Designer and quickly configure how data is retrieved and displayed. You can run the Data Form Wizard to automatically generate a data-bound form.

For More Information   See Accessing Data, online in MSDN Library Visual Studio 6.0.

To make it easy to build data-centric applications, Visual J++ provides the following features, which are also part of Visual InterDev.

Database Projects

Database projects are a separate project type that you can add to your Visual J++ solutions. They include the tools necessary to build and manage databases as a separate component from your Java applications.

For More Information   See Managing Database Projects, online in MSDN Library Visual Studio 6.0.

Data View Window

The Data View window provides a live view of the data to which your database project is currently connected. From the Data View window, you can launch tools to manage your database.

For More Information   See Data View Window, online in MSDN Library Visual Studio 6.0.

Visual Database Tools

The Visual Database Tools are a set of tools (Database Designer and Query Designer) for managing and querying your database graphically. With the Database Designer, you can create and modify table definitions, column definitions, and the relationships between tables in Microsoft SQL Server and Oracle databases. With the Query Designer, you can visually create and run SQL statements. A View Designer helps you create views.

For More Information   See Introducing the Visual Database Tools, online in MSDN Library Visual Studio 6.0.