Fast Development in Visual J++


Microsoft® Visual J++™ offers a host of features to help you write code faster. These features include wizards and builders, the Windows Foundation Classes (WFC) Designer, an Object Browser, and automatic code completion. Wizards and builders create Visual J++ projects for you that you can customize to your needs. The WFC Designer helps you create form-based applications with Visual J++. The Object Browser helps you find information about Java or COM-based components. Automatic code completion eliminates the need to memorize language syntax, parameters, properties, and methods.

Creating Projects Quickly with Wizards and Builders

Visual J++ provides several wizards and builders to help you develop your applications. A wizard creates a new file through a step-by-step process; a builder helps you modify existing files in your project. The following table lists the wizards and builders included in Visual J++.

Wizard Description
Application Wizard Creates a Windows Foundation Classes for Java (WFC) application containing a form. You have the option of binding the form to the fields in a database.

For more information, see Creating a Project with the Application Wizard online in MSDN Library Visual Studio 6.0.

WFC Component Builder Adds properties and events to WFC components.

For more information, see Modifying Components with the WFC Component Builder online in MSDN Library Visual Studio 6.0.

Data Form Wizard Automatically generates a form that is bound to the fields in a database. The Data Form Wizard supports Microsoft® Access .mdb files, as well as databases that can be accessed through ODBC.

For more information, see Running the Data Form Wizard online in MSDN Library Visual Studio 6.0.

J/Direct Call Builder Inserts Java definitions for the Win32 API functions into your code, along with the appropriate @dll.import tags.

For more information, see J/Direct Call Builder online in MSDN Library Visual Studio 6.0.

Creating Form-Based Applications with WFC Designer

The rapid application development (RAD) features of the WFC Designer make it easy to create form-based applications with WFC. You can use the Toolbox to quickly drop WFC components onto your form and configure their properties using the Properties window.

For More Information   See Designing Forms, online in MSDN Library Visual Studio 6.0.

Finding Information with the Object Browser

You can quickly find information about Java or COM-based components, without adding them to your project — even if you don't have the source code for these components. The Object Browser displays the classes, properties, methods, events, and constants available for packages and libraries.

For More Information   See Browsing Packages and Libraries with the Object Browser, online in MSDN Library Visual Studio 6.0.

Writing Accurate Code

Visual J++ has enhanced the Text editor with several new timesaving features such as statement completion, dynamic syntax checking, and two-way interaction between the Text editor and Class Outline. Statement completion displays member lists and parameter information as you type. Dynamic syntax checking provides visual clues in the form of red squiggly lines and error tips as you build your program's statements. Two-way interaction between the Text editor and the Class Outline means that Visual J++ updates the Class Outline tree view whenever you add a method, member variable, or class to a source file.

For More Information   See Managing Files with the Text Editor, online in MSDN Library Visual Studio 6.0.