Level A — Database Schema


The database used in Level A of the Island Hopper News sample is a Jet database called Classifieds.mdb. When you install Level A, the database is set up for you. It consists of the three tables described in the following table.

Table name Description
Advertisements Stores classified ads, along with information about the person who created the ad.
Categories Stores categories, such as Baby Items or Housing to Rent, for classified ads.
TakeANumber Assigns unique ID numbers for ads, categories, and customers.

The fields and data types are described in the following tables.

Fields in the Advertisements Table

Field name Data type Description
AdvertisementID Number Unique identifier for a particular classified ad. Primary key.
Body Memo Text of the ad.
CategoryID Number Identifier for the category to which this ad belongs.
CreatedDate Date/Time Date the ad was created.
CustomerID Text Unique identifier for a customer; one who places or browses ads.
Email Text Customer's e-mail address.
EndDate Date/Time Date the ad ends.
ModifiedDate Date/Time Date the ad was changed.
PhoneNumber Text Customer's daytime phone number.
StartDate Date/Time Date the ad begins.
Title Text Title of the classified ad.

Fields in the Categories Table

Field name Data type Description
CategoryID Number Unique identifier for a category. Primary key.
CreatedDate Date/Time Date a category was created.
ModifiedDate Date/Time Date a category was changed.
Name Text Name of the category.

Fields in the TakeANumber Table

Field name Data type Description
NextNumber Number Next unique number for that group of items.
PropertyGroupName Text Identifies the group of items for which a unique identifier is needed.