The database used in Level A of the Island Hopper News sample is a Jet database called Classifieds.mdb. When you install Level A, the database is set up for you. It consists of the three tables described in the following table.
Table name | Description |
Advertisements | Stores classified ads, along with information about the person who created the ad. |
Categories | Stores categories, such as Baby Items or Housing to Rent, for classified ads. |
TakeANumber | Assigns unique ID numbers for ads, categories, and customers. |
The fields and data types are described in the following tables.
Fields in the Advertisements Table
Field name | Data type | Description |
AdvertisementID | Number | Unique identifier for a particular classified ad. Primary key. |
Body | Memo | Text of the ad. |
CategoryID | Number | Identifier for the category to which this ad belongs. |
CreatedDate | Date/Time | Date the ad was created. |
CustomerID | Text | Unique identifier for a customer; one who places or browses ads. |
Text | Customer's e-mail address. | |
EndDate | Date/Time | Date the ad ends. |
ModifiedDate | Date/Time | Date the ad was changed. |
PhoneNumber | Text | Customer's daytime phone number. |
StartDate | Date/Time | Date the ad begins. |
Title | Text | Title of the classified ad. |
Fields in the Categories Table
Field name | Data type | Description |
CategoryID | Number | Unique identifier for a category. Primary key. |
CreatedDate | Date/Time | Date a category was created. |
ModifiedDate | Date/Time | Date a category was changed. |
Name | Text | Name of the category. |
Fields in the TakeANumber Table
Field name | Data type | Description |
NextNumber | Number | Next unique number for that group of items. |
PropertyGroupName | Text | Identifies the group of items for which a unique identifier is needed. |