Enterprise Application Requirements

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Like any modern application, an enterprise application must be reliable, perform well, provide an intuitive and efficient user interface, and so on. But beyond these common qualities, it can be characterized by three specific attributes.

An enterprise application is:

These qualities clearly make the task of enterprise development extraordinarily challenging, and the trend is toward rapidly increasing demands. The rapid improvement of computer hardware and software, combined with global economic competition — and opportunities — have created an environment in which business systems must respond quickly and deliver unparalleled levels of performance. As these demands continue, developers must automate even more of their businesses, build their software even faster, serve more and more users, and process a rapidly growing mass of data.

Aside from these challenges, the power, complexity, and rate of change of the technology used in building these corporate solutions makes efficient development ever more difficult.

To design an enterprise application you must consider and balance an enormous array of application requirements, such as:

Without a systematic way to understand the relationships among these complex and often conflicting requirements, it’s hard to know where to begin. A simpler model can help reduce this complexity, and provide an organized way to design and build applications that chart an optimum course among the many requirements. This model is introduced in the section, "Enterprise Application Model."