Using the Microsoft Secure Electronic Transactions Framework (SET)


The Microsoft Secure Electronic Transactions Framework (SET) is a single standard intended to provide secure payment card transactions for electronic shopping. To provide these services, SET ensures the authenticity of the three parties involved in a bankcard-based electronic payment system: the cardholder, the merchant, and the financial crediting institution. SET provides secure services to support encryption, digital signatures, and certificate authentication.

Note   The specification for Secure Electronic Transactions (SET) is a combination of previous specifications for Secure Transaction Technology (STT) and Secure Electronic Payment Process (SEPP).

With SET, confidentiality is ensured by the use of message encryption. Payment information integrity is ensured by the use of digital signatures. Cardholder account validation is ensured by the use of digital signatures and authenticated cardholder credentials. Merchant integrity is ensured by the use of digital signatures and authenticated merchant credentials. In order to do this, SET uses many cryptographic methods, including 160-bit hashing, public key/private key encryption, and the Digital Encryption Standard (DES).

For More Information   For more information on using Microsoft SET to enable secure payment card transactions, see the Microsoft Web site