Developing for Windows and the Web: Guide to Visual Studio 6.0, Professional Edition


This book is intended to help you discover the possibilities in each Microsoft® Visual Studio™ tool, by describing what you can do with each tool and pointing you to product samples and documentation. This book also introduces the Island Hopper News sample application at a high level. The book includes the following sections.

Section Description
Chapter 1: Developing Applications with Visual Studio 6.0 Provides information on how to use the book, brief overviews of the Visual Studio tools, and high-level discussions of the types of applications you can build using Visual Studio. Includes overviews of important related technologies.
Chapter 2: Choosing the Right Tools for the Job Examines each Visual Studio tool in terms of its support for fast development, Web applications, and data-centric applications.
Chapter 3: Island Hopper News Sample Describes the Island Hopper News sample application. Includes information about the pieces of the sample and how those pieces fit together.