versioned releases

Visual Component Manager

Visual Modeler

Visual Studio Analyzer

versioned releases

A characteristic of the process model in which a phased release schedule helps the project team to manage uncertainty, set clear and motivational goals, force closure on critical issues, and work for continuous improvement.

Visual Component Manager

A tool with which to organize, find, and insert components into a Visual Studio project, addressing three requirements for storing and organizing components: publishing, finding, and reusing them. Using the Visual Component Manager, you can identify existing objects available for reuse.

Visual Modeler

A tool for designing three-tier distributed applications using class and component diagrams. With Visual Modeler you can visually design models of the classes and components your application needs, then convert these models to Visual Basic or Visual C++ code.

Visual Studio Analyzer

A tool for evaluating, analyzing, and debugging the structure, performance, and interactions of a distributed application from an application perspective, rather than a component or code perspective. Microsoft® Visual Studio™ Analyzer uses an event-oriented model to record component interactions for analysis.