When you check an item in to the source control server, the source control system changes the status of the file from read/write to read-only, and updates the copy of the file in the database to synchronize it with the local copy.
After you check an item into source control, that item is available for other people to work on. If you want to return an item to source control without any changes, you can undo the check out.
Checking out an item copies the version of the item from the source control server to your local machine and makes it read/write on the local machine. This action also locks the item on the source control server, by making it read-only (unless your source control is configured to do multiple checkouts).
It is possible to check in items through either the Microsoft development environment or your source control program. By performing all your major source control operations through the development environment, however, you ensure that the development environment updates projects and solutions correctly.
To check out a solution, project, or item from source control through the development environment
If the check out command is visible but grey, this means the item is checked out by someone else. If the item is invisible, this means that checking out this item is an inappropriate action at this time.
To check in a solution, project, or item to source control through the development environment
To automatically check in all items when closing the solution
To undo a check out
Undoing the checkout erases any changes you made to that item and returns it to the state it was in before it was checked out.