Add Additional Files Dialog Box


Use this dialog box to add files to be packaged into a distribution unit (cabinet, setup, or Zip). You can use Add Items from the Project menu as well. This dialog box is only available from a Visual J++ project properties dialog box, Output Format tab, by clicking Include Additional Files.



Displays the Browse for Package Output File dialog box. You can choose the file you wish to add to the list.


Removes the selected file from the list of the files to be included in the package. Does not delete the file from your computer.

Select additional files to include in the package

Displays the list of the files you can add to the package, along with their paths. These path names refer to the file's location and are removed from the files when the files are added to the distribution unit.

To add files to the list, click Add. These files will be added to your package when you click OK. You can select many files at once in the list by clicking and dragging the mouse.