Signing (Setup Project Properties Dialog Box)


Use this dialog box to specify or change the digital signing settings for the setup executable distribution unit.


Certificate file

Provides a place to enter or edit the location of the certificate file (.spc) you want to use to sign this setup file. To locate an existing certificate file, click Browse. To get a certificate file, contact a certificate file provider.

Private Key File

Provides a place to enter or edit the location of the private key file (.pvk) associated with this certificate.

Sign Executable

Specifies that the distribution unit should be signed. If you sign a distribution unit, you identify yourself to the user before they download the software. Signing also verifies that the file has not been tampered with since you signed it.

Timestamp server URL

Provides a place to enter or edit the location of a timestamp server. A timestamp server provides a validation of the date and time that the setup file was signed. Certificate files can expire after a certain period of time. Contact your certificate file provider for the location of their timestamp server.

Use certificate file

Enables the use of a personal or corporate signature file (certificate) to sign the setup file.

Use Defaults

Resets the setup file signing options to the development environment's default values set in the Tools menu, Options dialog box, Security node.

Use test certificate file

Signs the setup file with the Visual Studio test certificate. The Visual Studio test certificate is provided to support test scenarios only, and should not be used for signing setup files that you deploy to the intranet or Internet. The text for the Visual Studio test certificate indicates that the user should not trust the signed component based on the test signature.