Analyzer Toolbar


Use this toolbar for quick access to Visual Studio Analyzer commands. You can display the Analyzer toolbar by right-clicking in a blank spot on the displayed toolbar, and then clicking Analyzer. The toolbar is shown in the following picture.

Button Function
Connect to Machine Displays the Connect to Machine dialog box, where you can specify the name of a machine you want to monitor with Visual Studio Analyzer.
Go To Event Moves to a selected event in the event log.
Increase Playback Speed, Decrease Playback Speed Changes the speed of playback.
Pause Event Recording Suspends recording events into a particular event log. Click this button again to resume recording events.
Record Events Starts recording events into a particular event log. Click this button again to stop recording events.
Replay Events Starts playing back the events in the event log from the currently selected event.
Show First Event Moves back to and selects the first event in the event log.
Show Last Event Moves to and selects the last event in the event log.
Show Previous Event, Show Next Event Steps backward or forward one event in the event log.
Stop Replay Stops playing back events.