Generates a registered event for a registered RPC-based component.
HRESULT VSAFireEvent([in] long vaaID,
[in, string] wchar_t *guidEvent,
[in] long prgCount,
[in, string, size_is(prgCount)] wchar_t *prgKeys[],
[in, string, size_is(prgCount)] wchar_t *prgValues,
[in] long dwTimeLow,
[in] long dwTimeHigh,
[in] VSAEventFlags dwFlags);
Unique identifier for this session of the component.
The event being generated. Events have many possible parameters, which are specified in the rgKeys and rgValues arrays; the parameter types are specified in the rgType array.
Number of entries in the prgKeys and prgValues arrays.
Names of event fields passed for this event. See VSAStandardParameter for a list of the available event fields.
Values for the event fields passed for this event.
The local time of the event, or 0. (Low 32 bits.)
The local time of the event, or 0. (High 32 bits.)
Provides default values for a group of event parameters. See VSAEventFlags for a list of the possible flags.
Pass in 0 for the dwTimeLow and dwTimeHigh parameters unless the component is running on a Windows NT® machine. If the component is running on a Windows NT machine, you can set the dwTimeLow and dwTimeHigh parameters using the return value of QueryPerformanceCounter. If you pass in 0 for these parameters, Visual Studio Analyzer defaults to the current time. If you know that the event happened at a different time, you should pass that time in.