IOleObjectImpl Methods

IOleObject Methods
Advise Establishes an advisory connection with the control.
Close Changes the control state from running to loaded.
DoVerb Tells the control to perform one of its enumerated actions.
EnumAdvise Enumerates the control's advisory connections.
GetClientSite Retrieves the control's client site.
GetClipboardData Retrieves the control's client site.
GetExtent Retrieves the status of the control.
GetMoniker Retrieves the control's moniker. The ATL implementation returns E_NOTIMPL.
GetUserClassID Retrieves the control's class identifier.
InitFromData Initializes the control from selected data. The ATL implementation returns E_NOTIMPL.
IsUpToDate Checks if the control is up to date. The ATL implementation returns S_OK.
SetClientSite Tells the control about its client site in the container.
SetColorScheme Recommends a color scheme to the control's application, if any. The ATL implementation returns E_NOTIMPL.
SetExtent Sets the extent of the control's display area.
SetHostNames Tells the control the names of the container application and container document.
SetMoniker Tells the control what its moniker is. The ATL implementation returns E_NOTIMPL.
Unadvise Destroys an advisory connection with the control.
Update Updates the control. The ATL implementation returns S_OK.
DoVerb Helper Methods
DoVerbDiscardUndo Tells the control to discard any undo state it is maintaining.
DoVerbHide Tells the control to remove its user interface from view.
DoVerbInPlaceActivate Runs the control and installs its window, but does not install the control's user interface.
DoVerbOpen Causes the control to be open-edited in a separate window.
DoVerbPrimary Performs the specified action when the user double-clicks the control. The control defines the action, usually to activate the control in-place.
DoVerbShow Shows a newly inserted control to the user.
DoVerbUIActivate Activates the control in-place and shows the control's user interface, such as menus and toolbars.

See Also

IOleObjectImpl Overview