IPropertyPageImpl Data Members

Data Members
m_bDirty Specifies whether the property page's state has changed.
m_nObjects Stores the number of objects associated with the property page.
m_dwHelpContext Stores the context identifier for the help topic associated with the property page.
m_dwDocString Stores the resource identifier associated with the text string describing the property page.
m_dwHelpFile Stores the resource identifier associated with the name of the help file describing the property page.
m_dwTitle Stores the resource identifier associated with the text string that appears in the tab for the property page.
m_pPageSite Points to the IpropertyPageSite interface through which the property page communicates with the property frame.
m_ppUnk Points to an array of IUnknown pointers to the objects associated with the property page.
m_size Stores the height and width of the property page's dialog box, in pixels.

See Also

IPropertyPageImpl Overview, IPropertyPageImpl Methods