CBitmap Member Functions

CBitmap Constructs a CBitmap object.
LoadBitmap Initializes the object by loading a named bitmap resource from the application's executable file and attaching the bitmap to the object.
LoadOEMBitmap Initializes the object by loading a predefined Windows bitmap and attaching the bitmap to the object.
CreateBitmap Initializes the object with a device-dependent memory bitmap that has a specified width, height, and bit pattern.
CreateBitmapIndirect Initializes the object with a bitmap with the width, height, and bit pattern (if one is specified) given in a BITMAP structure.
CreateCompatibleBitmap Initializes the object with a bitmap so that it is compatible with a specified device.
GetBitmap Returns a pointer to the specified CBitmap object.
FromHandle Returns a pointer to a CBitmap object when given a handle to a Windows HBITMAP bitmap.
SetBitmapDimension Assigns a width and height to a bitmap in 0.1-millimeter units.
GetBitmapDimension Returns the width and height of the bitmap. The height and width are assumed to have been set previously by the SetBitmapDimension member function.

See Also

CBitmap Overview, CBitmap Operators, Graphical Drawing Object Classes