
This member function creates the Windows button control and attaches it to the CButton object.

You construct a CButton object in two steps. First call the constructor, then call Create.


BOOL Create( LPCTSTR lpszCaption, DWORD dwStyle, const RECT& rect, CWnd* pParentWnd, UINT nID );

At a Glance

Header File Afxwin.h
Versions 1.0 and later
Complete documentation Visual C++ documentation


Windows CE doesn't support the BS_BITMAP, BS_ICON, BS_LEFTTEXT, BS_MULTILINE, BS_PUSHBOX, BS_TEXT, or BS_USERBUTTON styles for buttons. You can use the BS_RIGHTBUTTON style instead of BS_LEFTTEXT to place a checkbox or radio button to the right of the associated text. You can use the BS_OWNERDRAW style to create the effects you'd otherwise achieve by using the BS_USERBUTTON, BS_BITMAP or BS_ICON button styles. See the following topics for information on supported styles.

Check Box Styles

Push Button Styles

Radio Button Styles

See Also

CButton Overview, CButton Member Functions, Control Classes, CButton::CButton