
The CCeDBProp class encapsulates a database in the object store. A Windows CE database is not a full-function database, but a general-purpose structured collection of data.

Each Windows CE object store database has a unique name. You can also assign a database an application-defined type identifier, which you can use to group similar databases.

A Windows CE database can have up to four sort properties that specify how the records are ordered.

Two records in the same Windows CE database can have different numbers or types of properties. If you specify a sort property when you open a database, and there are records in the database that don't contain the property on which the database is being sorted, those records will be placed last in the sort order. (If the sort property was defined with the flag Sort_UnknownFirst, they are placed before the sorted records, instead.)

At a Glance

Header file: Wcedb.h
Versions: 2.0 and later


A Windows CE database only supports one level of hierarchy. Records cannot be shared by multiple databases. Every record has a unique object identifier, and is present in exactly one database.

In Windows CE 2.0, a database can have up to CEDB_MAXSORTORDER sort properties, which are used to determine the order in which records are arranged. In order to do a seek operation on a property value, that property must be one of the properties specified in the database's sort order. You cannot have two sort properties in the same database with the same application-defined identifier.

If no sort order is specified when a database is opened, the order in which the records are sorted is undefined.

In MFC for Windows CE 2.0, CEDB_MAXSORTORDER is defined as four.

See Also

CCeDBDatabase Member Functions, CCeDBDatabase Data Members, Windows CE Database Classes, CCeDBRecord, CCeDBProp