CCeDBDatabase Member Functions

CCeDBDatabase Constructs a CCeDBDatabase object.
Create Creates and initializes the database associated with the CCeDBDatabase object. It does not open the database.
AddRecord Adds a new record to the database.
Close Closes the database.
Delete Removes the database from object store, closing it first, if necessary.
DeleteCurrRecord Deletes the current record.
DeleteCurrRecordProps Deletes a subset of the properties in the current record.
Exists Determines whether the specified database exists. This is a static member function.
GetCurrIndex Returns the current index from the top of the database.
GetCurrRecord Returns the object identifier of the current record.
GetIdent Retrieves the application-defined type identifier of the database.
GetLastModified Retrieves the most recent modification time of the database.
GetName Retrieves the object store name of the database.
GetNumRecords Returns the number of records in the database.
GetSize Returns the size of the database, in bytes.
GetSortProps Retrieves the current sort order.
Open Opens the database.
ReadCurrRecord Reads the current record.
SeekToIndex Searches for a record by index, from the top or bottom of the database.
SeekFirst Seeks the first record in the database.
SeekFirstEqual Seeks the first record with a property that matches the property specified.
SeekLast Seeks the last record in the database.
SeekNext Seeks the next record.
SeekNextEqual Seeks the next record with a property that matches the property specified.
SeekPrev Seeks the previous record.
SeekToRecord Seeks the specified record.
SeekValueGreater Searches for the next record in the database for which the value of the specified property is greater than or equal to the value of the property passed in.
SeekValueSmaller Searches for the next record in the database for which the value of the specified property is smaller than the value of the property passed in.
SetIdent Sets the application-defined type identifier of the database.
SetLastModified Sets the most recent modification time of the database.
SetName Sets the object store name of the database.
SetSortProps Sets a new sort order.
WriteCurrRecord Writes to the current record.

See Also

CCeDBDatabase Overview, CCeDBDatabase Data Members, Windows CE Database Classes