
This data member applies only to sort properties. It contains the flags used to specify the sort order of the data in the database.

WORD m_wSortFlags;

This data member can have one of the following enumerated values.

The sort is done in ascending order.
The sort is done in descending order.
The sort operation is case insensitive. This option is valid only for strings.
Records that do not contain the property identified by wIdent are placed before all the other records. By default, these records are placed after all other records.
This flag indicates the sort property is only a placeholder. If a CCeDBDatabase object has no sort properties assigned to it, Sort_GenericOrder is assigned as the default sort flag.

See Also

CCeDBProp Overview, CCeDBProp Data Members, Windows CE Database Classes, CCeDBProp::GetSortFlags, CCeDBProp::SetSortFlags